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We want our content to be as accessible and close to you as possible. 

In this space you will find the meanings that we have constructed so far of various words present in our publications and products. We are constantly reviewing and transforming our ways of naming and naming ourselves:

1.   Accompanying:  

1. In the accompaniment spaces with Sanar we can explore together the situations, thoughts and feelings that you want to share with us and build strategies that take into account  your needs and requests._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

2. With accompaniment we also refer to the multiple ways in which we can go through our experiences safely and respectfully in the company of others, be they therapists, psychologists, doctors, lawyers, educators, neighbors, family members, comrades in struggle and dreams.


2 . self indulgence:

We use it in the context of a phrase transcribed from Audre Lorde, “Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation and an act of political battle.” It could be read as condescension towards oneself or commiseration.

3. Autonomy:

They are the ways in which our bodies are subjected to systems that favor and legitimize certain lives and ways of being-being in the world, excluding those who may be out of the norm.


4. Self-regulation :

We refer to the range of strategies that we use to go through moments of psychic-emotional-bodily discomfort, in connection with the body and our emotions.

*Self-regulation can be experienced as relief, pause, or stabilization.

5. Collectivize:

It is a way of sharing and weaving networks with other (many) people, so that resources can flow where they are needed.

6. Containment:

For us, containment is the exercise of empathically receiving and sustaining the emotions and experiences that someone shares, in a safe space, so that you can express what you need according to your possibilities. We can also contain ourselves with exercises and techniques that help us flow and channel what we have inside. 

7. Co-regulation:

Moments in which our active presence becomes the main resource to accompany the emotional crisis of another person. 

During co-regulation, one of the parties can offer suggestions in the form of words, actions or small touches that help the other person to go through their emotions with kindness.

8. Crisis:  

1. By emotional crisis, we refer to the moments in which our emotions-sensations-thoughts are presented with such intensity and depth that they seem difficult to sustain on our own and with our tools. At these times it may be helpful to seek out other available resources and supports.

2. We speak of crisis also to refer to the situation of uncertainty and violence that we have lived in Nicaragua for several years now, but which could also be useful to describe other contexts.

Note: The word crisis seems insufficient to us and sometimes it does not finish telling what these experiences represent for us.

9. Disruptive:

We refer to the ruptures with the dominant systems that are imposed on our lives. They are the proposals that bring with them more harmonious and fair ways of coexistence.

10. Coping Strategies:

They are the actions or plans that we build to sustain and take care of ourselves in contexts that may be hostile or arouse discomfort.

11. Extractivism:

It is a practice that operates under the logic of extracting resources extensively to generate unequal profits, destabilizing the fluidity of spaces and lives. Some extractivist practices are mining, and the construction of large hydroelectric companies. We also refer to the extractivism that can occur in our links when we relate unequally, for example, in work, friendship or family spaces.

12. Heteropatriarchy:

It is a system of domination that exalts men and what is socially recognized as "masculine" above women and what is understood as "feminine". It also legitimizes heterosexual relationships and excludes other forms of sexual expression, love and identity.

13. Social Imaginary:

They are the meanings that are socially constructed about people, ideas, things and other sentient beings with whom we interact. These meanings are not static, but are sustained by beliefs that can vary. At times, they can contribute to unequal power relations that make sectors of society vulnerable. For example: Within the social imaginary there may be the belief that adults deserve more respect than children, therefore, the relationship between adults and children is generated from that belief.

14. Register the duels:

We refer to the possibility that we have or not, to record our losses in a space where they will be seen, validated and cared for. Sometimes inscribing can be taken as the action of naming, ritualizing, sharing about what we lost.  Each person inscribes their mourning in the way they can and need._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ Registering our duels is an important step to go through them.

15. Integrate the experience(s):

After a traumatic experience there may be a process of "disintegration" of the experience, in which various feelings and discomforts arise, it is difficult for us to remember it, think about it, feel it. By integrating experiences,   we refer to the work of approaching them again with the intention of transforming the way we remember, think and, above all, feel about them. It is a process that goes hand in hand with our needs and possibilities.

16. Hierarchy:

For us, ranking is like building a building or pyramid of classifications and labels that prioritize the value of something/someone over the value of something/someone else.

17. Justice:

We refer to the collective agreements that exist to ensure that the needs of all people and groups are being seen and responded to, even when we go through different conflicts. We know that it is often related to prisons and trials, we believe that the ways of doing justice can and should go beyond the punitive.

18. Martyrology:

We understand it as the belief that sacrifice is a practice that gives us value as people. It is a way of nullifying the enjoyment and pleasure that we deserve in our lives.

19. Structural oppressions:

They are the ways in which our bodies are subjected to systems that favor and legitimize certain lives and ways of being-being in the world, excluding those who may be out of the norm.

20. Policy/or:

By politics we mean the way we relate and organize with others. Although it is traditionally linked to political parties and governments, for us it involves the many ways in which we can coexist, transform our relationships and make collective decisions.

21. Productivity:

It is the relationship between the tasks we perform and what we are expected to accomplish. In our societies, we are given value based on our constant work and the results that we manage to achieve in specific times that do not necessarily coincide with our physical and emotional possibilities.

22. Psychoeducation:

By psychoeducation we understand the loving action of sharing reflections and knowledge about health, specifically about the tools that can contribute to containing and expressing our emotions, thoughts and feelings in a kind way with ourselves and with other sentient beings.

23.Personal resources:

They are elements that we have access to in our lives to respond to our needs.

24. Rediscover:

Open up with curiosity towards something or someone.

25. Re-design:

We think of the word redesign as the act of critically and consciously approaching to build something new.

26. Claim:

Give value back to something that has been violated, minimized or underappreciated. We claim life above all else. 

27. Power relations:

We believe that power is present in all of us and is part of all our relationships, hence the importance of making it conscious. The inequality of power within our spaces and links can generate deep pain and open the way to the production of injustices.

28. Endurance:

The resistances help us sustain ourselves and put a name to the unjust, while we are building fairer worlds in which we can live without the need to bear the violence and oppression against which we are currently fighting.

29. Re-visit:

Look again and feel an experience, space, moment.


30. Heal:

It is a constant process that implies facing our personal and/or collective well-being. It is a way of going through pain, loss, discomfort, and (re) connecting with the dimensions that make up our lives.

31. Sorority:

It is for us, a call to be attentive, listen and accompany within our possibilities, the realities of inequality and violence that we share with other women. We also understand that although all women experience similar violence, there are conditions that can make important differences, these differences deserve to be seen, recognized and accompanied.

Note: Sorority does not make it less important to question and transform the violence that we are prone to reproduce within our relationships.


32. Subversion:

The action of turning something that was presented as normal and stable. If violence is stable, love could be subversion.

33. Transgressor:

Acts that do not conform to the established order of things, but instead try to transform it into something fairer and closer to their needs.

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