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leaves in the stream

In this mindfulness exercise we are going to work on an easy technique to let go of worries and be able to connect with the present.

Muscle and progressive relaxation

In this audio we will teach our body the difference between tension and relaxation. We will work the body to relax the mind.

"Five Finger Breathing"

Children also experience stress and anxiety. This easy technique will help you deal with those sensations by breathing consciously. 

Anxious crisis 

We practice simple techniques to deal with anxiety at any time or place.

How does calm feel?

We share this sensory exercise that invites us to connect with the present.


Exercise guided by Maya

self-compassion messages

Self-compassion helps you recognize yourself with your lights and your shadows. Through this audio we explore some messages that can help you connect with her. 


Audio in collaboration with Sandra Moncada

empathy with myself

With this audio you can approach your feelings and needs without judgment and with an open heart.


Exercise guided by Sofía

 Present Breathing

When we breathe in a present way we reaffirm life, connection and love." This exercise invites us to connect with our breath in gentle and sensitive ways.


Exercise guided by Carnation

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