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This series is an invitation to practice strategies that allow us to heal ourselves and help heal our territories from love, empathy and community; with a look towards the context of crisis and violence that we inhabit. 
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From the collective we have dreamed and produced a Manual with Techniques that allow us to heal. It is an effort to contain ourselves within the sociopolitical crisis that we still inhabit in
Nicaragua, but it is adaptable to the multiple realities and
contexts of our Latin American societies.
This booklet is an expanded excerpt from the Healing Techniques Manual, in it you will find various useful exercises for the practice of emotional self-containment.
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This booklet is an expanded excerpt from the Techniques for Healing Manual, in it we talk about suicide and ways to accompany others. We continue to fight to transform our realities from love and empathy!
This booklet is an expanded excerpt from the Techniques for Healing Manual, in which we talk about some duels caused by injustice and political violence. We fight for environments that allow us to experience our duels freely and safely.
This booklet is an expanded excerpt from the Healing Techniques Manual, in it you will find various useful exercises for practicing your care.
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